Frequently Asked Questions


  • How do I book my stay?

    It’s easy - simply choose the location (under accommodation tab) where you would like to stay. Scroll down and submit an inquiry for your requested dates and then I will be in contact to finalize the reservation.

  • Do you accommodate large groups?

    The River’s Edge Retreat has 2 different levels each with 2 bedrooms and a bathroom accommodating up to 8 guests. 

  • Are there any discounts for long-term stays?

    Yes, we are sometimes able to offer a discount for long-term rentals. Please send us a message if you are interested in a long-term stay to discuss options.

  • Are the cabins available to rent year-round?

    Yes! All our properties are equipped with central air conditioning and heating making them the perfect getaway year-round!

  • Do you allow pets?

    We do not allow any pets at any of our properties to be respectful to future guests that may have allergies. There are multiple great boarding facilities in the area I can provide referrals to if you would like to bring your pet with you. 

Trip Planning

  • Do we need to bring our own towels/linens?

    No! All properties are stocked with bed linens, towels, wash clothes, and dish towels.

  • Is the kitchen fully stocked?

    Yes! Each property’s kitchen is fully equipped with all of the things you would need for cooking including dishes, cookware, and utensils. You will need to bring your own food.

  • What kind of grill is at the property?

    The River’s Edge Retreat has a gas grill.


  • How far is The Lodge to downtown Decorah?

    The Lodge is situated approximately 15 miles from Decorah.

  • How far is the River’s Edge Retreat from downtown Lansing?

    The River’s Edge Retreat is approximately 1 mile from downtown Lansing.

River’s Edge Retreat

  • Is there a place to keep my boat during my stay?

    Yes! There is a dock slip available to rent during your stay for $25/night. Please send a message to see if the slip is available.

  • Is there room to park my vehicle & boat trailer?

    The parking at the house is very limited so we ask you limit the number of vehicles to one and park your trailer elsewhere. Please let me know if you need recommendations on where to park.

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